Share Your Thoughts Larik posted<div><p><br></p><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/v6KJ9kqz0Z/thumbnails/LOGO_2BEFUTUREFIT_paars.png?width=174&amp;height=174" style="width: 174px; height: 174px;" alt="LOGO_2BEFUTUREFIT_paars.png" class="fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="v6KJ9kqz0Z" data-src="/.api2/binaries/v6KJ9kqz0Z/thumbnails/LOGO_2BEFUTUREFIT_paars.png?width=174&amp;height=174">Midden september  <strong>nieuwe website</strong> live, in opvolging van dit platform met sporadische blogs. we houden je op de hoogte !<br><br>Kijk ook al eens naar <span style="color: rgb(147, 101, 184);"><a href="//"><strong></strong></a></span> - een gezamenlijk project van 2BeFuturefit en</p></div>Ingrid LarikFri, 24 Aug 2018 16:58:02 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/QmBMAjXlgw/thumbnails/crowdsourcing week 2018.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="crowdsourcing%20week%202018.jpg" class="fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="QmBMAjXlgw" data-src="/.api2/binaries/QmBMAjXlgw/thumbnails/crowdsourcing week 2018.jpg?width=300"></p> <p>Wonderfull theme in 2018  - again :-) - with Crowd Sourcing Week : <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">decentralisation </a>Who will participate from the Belgian crowd ?</p></div>Ingrid LarikWed, 22 Nov 2017 22:12:47 +0100 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/EmvLrQBbeB/thumbnails/pastedImage?width=300" alt="Pasted Image" class="fr-fil fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="EmvLrQBbeB" data-src="/.api2/binaries/EmvLrQBbeB/thumbnails/pastedImage?width=300"></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(243, 121, 52);"><strong>"A new baby has been conceived and will soon be born...</strong></span><br> <br> <span style="color: rgb(243, 121, 52);"><strong>2BeFutureFit</strong></span> is an open collective of like-minded professionals, entrepreneurs and organisations who join forces to <span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);"><strong>CO-CREATE</strong></span> together white papers, events, formats....<br> <br> (why ?)<br> 1. to inspire you - organisations, decision makers, community builders, .... - with insights and real…</p></div>Ingrid LarikMon, 09 Oct 2017 01:38:39 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/LQy5omEXMK/thumbnails/CC-Canvas-6-A1-Big-Logos.jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="CC-Canvas-6-A1-Big-Logos.jpg" class="fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="LQy5omEXMK" data-src="/.api2/binaries/LQy5omEXMK/thumbnails/CC-Canvas-6-A1-Big-Logos.jpg?width=300">Af en toe is het nuttig om over de taalgrens heen te kijken.  Aan de UNamur gebeurt interessant onderzoek.  O.a. over wat samenwerking bevordert.  Martin Maheux ontwikkelde een Collaboration Creativity Canvas (zie schema).  Met <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">DeepCo</a> - een collectief - doen ze verder onderzoek en bieden ze consultancy aan.  Meteen een lijntje uitgegooid :-).</p></div>Ingrid LarikMon, 21 Aug 2017 22:05:24 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/gVvl39x4pN/thumbnails/pastedImage?width=300" alt="Pasted Image" class="fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="gVvl39x4pN" data-src="/.api2/binaries/gVvl39x4pN/thumbnails/pastedImage?width=300"></p> <p>Alweer een nieuw Innovation Lab in Antwerpen.  Zie artikel in<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> Made in Antwerpen</a>.  Met 2BeLinked  en meer in bijzonder de<strong> <span style="color: rgb(209, 72, 65);">2BeFutureFit Atelier</span></strong><span style="color: rgb(209, 72, 65);"> </span>die we<span style="color: rgb(209, 72, 65);"><strong> binnenkort</strong></span> lanceren, een cocreatie-samenwerking van verschillende ondernemers en zelfstandigen (een netwerkorganisatie), mikken we meer op <strong><span class="ig-nolink">#b</span></strong><strong>usinesstransformatie en <span class="ig-nolink">#businessagility</span> <span class="ig-nolink">#HNW</span> <span class="ig-nolink">#andersorgan…</span></strong></p></div>Ingrid LarikFri, 16 Jun 2017 18:03:10 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><br></p> <p><img src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-gVvYzZP8Av/thumbnails/Figuur_5-4-lean-huis-rechthoekig (1).jpg?width=300" style="width: 300px;" alt="Figuur_5-4-lean-huis-rechthoekig%20(1).jpg" class="fr-fic fr-dib" data-ig-embed-key="gVvYzZP8Av" data-src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-gVvYzZP8Av/thumbnails/Figuur_5-4-lean-huis-rechthoekig (1).jpg?width=300"><span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);"><strong>Flanders Synergy</strong> </span>publiceerde een <strong><span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);">visienota</span> </strong>over <span class="ig-nolink">#andersorganiseren</span> <span class="ig-nolink">#innovatieve</span> arbeidsorganisatie, waarbij een heleboel cases vermeld worden (zie bijlage).  Veel gratis materiaal, zijn <span style="color: rgb(41, 105, 176);"><strong>méér manieren</strong></span> om tot <span class="ig-nolink">#zelforganiserende</span> teams te komen en innovatief aan de slag te gaan met je arbeidsorganisatie.  </p> <p>Wij - net zoals…</p></div>Ingrid LarikTue, 30 May 2017 13:29:08 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="" class="fr-dib fr-draggable">Our member <span class="atwho-inserted" data-atwho-at-query="@chris"><a class="js-mb_Mention js-mb_Mention_7fc2d38d-8e46-e611-80ce-000af7705322 ig-mention-link ig-username_choeree" href="/.profile/choeree">Chris Hoerée</a></span>‍ cocreated with her fellow members, <span class="atwho-inserted" data-atwho-at-query="@guy"><a class="js-mb_Mention js-mb_Mention_dbd79b77-7cea-e511-80cc-000af7705322 ig-mention-link ig-username_ghendrickx" href="/.profile/ghendrickx">Guy Hendrickx</a></span>‍  and <span class="atwho-inserted" data-atwho-at-query="@eddy"><a class="js-mb_Mention js-mb_Mention_219f35e0-4a01-4944-9639-30893b13eed4 ig-mention-link ig-username_evanhemelrijck" href="/.profile/evanhemelrijck">Eddy Van Hemelrijck</a></span>‍  an eCo Leadership Retreat.  Not just another Leadership Retraet but a journey to your destination in life.</p> <p>Want to know more please read <a href="" target="_blank">Chris's blog </a>on her Linkedinpage or download her white paper here.   We welcome your feedback ! </p></div>Ingrid LarikFri, 28 Apr 2017 19:55:55 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="" alt="Afbeeldingsresultaat voor proximus move" class="fr-dib fr-draggable"><br></p> <p>Proximus en <a href="" target="_blank">Wijs </a>richtten samen een hybride bedrijfje op - een start-down ! En<a href="" target="_blank"> Proximus Move</a> werd geboren.  Een mooi voorbeeld van <span class="ig-nolink">#samenwerken3</span>.0. gericht op millenials.   In 10 weken en 7 sprints - agile - komen tot een nieuw priduct: écht client-cenetered</p></div>Ingrid LarikFri, 14 Apr 2017 14:14:30 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-5Nn5pq6m49/thumbnails/pastedImage?width=300" alt="Pasted Image" class="fr-dib fr-draggable" data-ig-embed-key="5Nn5pq6m49" data-src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-5Nn5pq6m49/thumbnails/pastedImage?width=300"></p> <p>Yesterday I attended the <span style="color: rgb(209, 72, 65);"><strong>Voys Talk</strong></span> about their own 'experiment' with implementating <a href="" target="_blank">#holacracy</a>.  How to organize in a lean and resilient way ?  How to respect equivalance and yet have people engage themselves and take up responsability ? They have their own model and they want to spread it out....</p> <p>If you want to know more you can attend a next…</p></div>Ingrid LarikThu, 06 Apr 2017 17:45:47 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img src="" alt="Afbeeldingsresultaat voor weg kiezen" class="fr-dib fr-draggable"><br></p> <p>A very nice reflection of Alan Seale on <strong><span class="ig-nolink">#transformationalpresenc</span></strong>e in times of disruption.</p> <p>The top question: will we live from Love or will we live from fear? Both are fully present and available to us. Which one will we choose?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p></div>Ingrid LarikTue, 07 Mar 2017 15:33:51 +0100 Larik posted<div><p><img src="" alt="wirearchy the ebook" class="fr-dib fr-draggable" style="width: 203px; height: 289px;"><br></p> <p>Thanks to Michel Bouwens I discovered this interesting link to <a href=""></a> Interesting complementing/in addition to for instance Niels Pflaeging "Organizing for complexity" - how a triad of structures allows companies to absorb complexity</p> <p><strong>Comments ?  Your own experiences ?  </strong></p> <p><br></p></div>Ingrid LarikSat, 25 Feb 2017 21:25:05 +0100 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-vM6pVk2ADE/pastedImage" alt="Pasted Image" class="fr-dib fr-draggable" data-ig-embed-key="vM6pVk2ADE"></p> <p>Interesting interview concerning  HR and the non-traditional self-employed/employees in the  <a href="" target="_blank">on-demand-economy </a>. </p> <p>How do you look at this from your perspective ?  Do you see the need for <span class="ig-nolink">#smartcontracts</span> and <span class="ig-nolink">#blockchain</span> to organize in a way that protects your rights and put you in a more equivalent position to negotiate ?</p></div>Ingrid LarikSun, 05 Feb 2017 21:55:18 +0100 Larik posted<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-pA2VZZjxPQ/pastedImage" alt="Pasted Image" class="fr-dii fr-draggable" data-ig-embed-key="pA2VZZjxPQ">There's no sustainability without empathy without boundaries.  Needed in the transition process Theory U) where you open your mind,  heart and  will.  Brené Brown nails it..<a href=""></a></p></div>Ingrid LarikWed, 14 Dec 2016 15:24:36 +0100 Larik posted<div><p><img class="fr-dib fr-draggable" src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-qdqrK3BoPd/levels%20of%20listening_Theory%20U_2.jpg" style="width: 300px;" alt="levels%20of%20listening_Theory%20U_2.jpg" data-ig-embed-key="qdqrK3BoPd">I wrote a short blog - in Dutch this time - about sustainable entrepreneurship and the importance of connecting with yourself and the other(s). Using the body as your medium to sense, to listen on a deeper level.  <a href=""></a></p></div>Ingrid LarikTue, 06 Dec 2016 19:55:20 +0100 Larik posted<div><p><img class="fr-dib fr-draggable" src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-LbBWGDW9o3/Logo_EuropeanAssembly_V3_red2.png" style="width: 300px;" data-ig-embed-key="LbBWGDW9o3"></p> <p>Great initiative to take place on the 15th till 17th of Nvember - The European Commons Assemnly in Brussels  see for more information and participation <a href=""></a></p></div>Ingrid LarikTue, 25 Oct 2016 03:26:49 +0200 Larik posted<div><p><img class="fr-dib fr-draggable" src="/.api2/binaries/5937127-Z2JjjJWOJe/enspiral_logo.png" style="width: 230px; height: 217.587px;" data-ig-embed-key="Z2JjjJWOJe"></p> <p>Enspiral - an entrepreneurial eco-system in New Zealand - is a true inspiration for our community 2BbeLinked too, for ourselves and as professionals in setting up and facilitating the processes within and between networked organizations.  You can read the article about the  <a href="" target="_blank">Enspiral - story</a> here.</p> <p>On the 10th of October there will be a workshop…</p></div>Ingrid LarikTue, 27 Sep 2016 02:31:32 +0200 Beyers posted<div><p>Mijn post over organisatie-overschrijdend samenwerken als bron van nieuwe waardecreatie en duurzaamheid wil ik graag met jullie delen :-)</p> <p><a href="" class="ig-autolink"></a></p></div>Martine BeyersSat, 17 Sep 2016 00:47:22 +0200 Billen posted<div><p>Compagnon de route <a class="profileLink" href="" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=680217153">Bruno Delepierre</a> van Happonomy heeft een boek geschreven - en wat voor een ! Een "kookboek voor de toekomst" - wie lust daar in deze tijd geen pap van ? Op 6 oktober is er een dialoog met policymakers, denkers en doeners allerhande. In Leuven. Daar wil ik bij zijn... Vanharte aanbevolen !</p> <p>Kijk ook naar de trailer : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" unsafe.onmouseover="LinkshimAsyncLink.swap(this, " https:\/\/\/watch?v="4NBTDCBClwo" );""="" unsafe.onclick="LinkshimAsyncLink.referrer_log(this, " https:\/\/\/watch?v="4NBTDCBClwo" ,"="" "\/si\/ajax\/l\/render_linkshim_log\/?u="https\u00253A\u00252F\\u00252Fwatch\u00253Fv\u00253D4NBTDCBClwo&h=dAQGLPch7AQHK9PGEyERwNdmo0YgayRWEp1vHQfw1Uv_VtA&render_verification=0&enc=AZP6paHxQZJzWyggnXdd1eDGQfkVqzGudBkncDgBJLa_lTKwRAdhASpbedgNWm24MsAv5j2wNFks9OmvNItP38G5PhvZI-HHjuf_1VkQF-GwWDEtoYUSn1DNYhu77Rd84KghORlcyaigDBXEGN8ZoZUSNUewD2Gif8OERFTaWGbwTjBbHvB2yB4qCKTBLNfN77_gtexTMX6Iv4kiDoBp9aDu&d" );""="">…</a></p></div>Anne BillenMon, 12 Sep 2016 23:03:26 +0200 Desmadryl posted<div><p>Ik las vorige week in een <a href="" target="_self">berichtje</a> op Linked In :</p> <p><strong>     "transition from HR thinking to Employee Experience thinking"</strong></p> <p>Vond ik wel een mooie om mee te nemen!<strong><br></strong>groetjes!<strong><br></strong></p> <p>Mieke<img width="640" height="475" class="center" src=""></p></div>Mieke DesmadrylWed, 17 Aug 2016 00:38:02 +0200 Schorrewegen posted<div><h3><span style="color: #808000;">Different histories, different narratives</span></h3> <p>Ik las vandaag de nieuwsbrief van Seth Godin over hoe verschillend we allemaal zijn en net dankzij die verschillen kunnen groeien als mensen en organisaties: </p> <p>Of course, <strong>each of us is different. Different histories, different narratives</strong>. You have an appendix, she doesn't. You are different from everyone…</p></div>Ilse SchorrewegenSat, 13 Aug 2016 18:52:05 +0200 Larik posted<div><h3><span style="color: #808000;">New organizational models</span></h3> <p><span style="color: #808000;"><img id="806490b0-b8fc-4454-ae7b-798de4dc9ace" src="" alt="organiseren4.0.jpg" width="450" height="224" style="border: 0px;"></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Are <span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #808000;"><strong>you experimenting</strong></span> with <span style="color: #808000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>new social technologies</strong></span> inspired by  <span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Holocracy, Teal, Sociocracy3.0., Theory U, Interactive Interchange, Design Thinking, Organic Model.</strong>.</span>.<span style="color: #000000;">or other  hybrid approaches ?</span></span></p> <br> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Please drop us a line or share your thoughts and experiences here on the forum - see also the article 'Beyond holocracy'…</span></p></div>Ingrid LarikThu, 23 Jun 2016 17:59:18 +0200 Larik posted<div><h3><span style="color: #808000;">About the value of collaboration in organizations</span></h3> <p><img id="d29dfb6b-7b49-4f50-a9f7-9845b437ca0d" src="" alt="superchicken.jpg" width="259" height="194" style="border: 0px;"></p> <p>The superchickenmodel...what does work ?</p> <p>A  Tedtalk by Margaret Heffernan.</p> <p>What's your experience ?</p> <div id="mep_0" class="mejs-container svg js-mediaelementattached mejs-video" style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"> <div class="mejs-inner"> <div class="mejs-mediaelement"> <div class="me-cannotplay" style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"><a href=""><span>Download File</span></a></div> <video width="300" height="150" style="display: none;" class="js-mediaelementattached"> <source src=""></source> </video> </div> <div class="mejs-layers"></div> <div class="mejs-controls" style="display: none;"></div> <div class="mejs-clear"></div> </div> </div></div>Ingrid LarikTue, 12 Jan 2016 17:33:48 +0100