Ingrid Larik

Archives for July 2015 « Recent Articles


Crowdsourcing is the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or group for a common goal -- often innovation, problem solving, or efficiency. Crowdsourcing can take place on many different levels and across various industries. Thanks to our growing connectivity, it is now easier than ever for individuals to collectively contribute -- whether with ideas, time, expertise, or funds -- to a project or cause. This collective mobilization is crowdsourcing.


A new born initiative of #collaboration3.0. - Qetema: it’s easy to see that our current system neglects sustainability and even our own precious wellbeing in favor of any and all monetary gain. However, there are many solutions out there that can bring about drastic change to this degenerative system. Qetema is on a mission to bring these solutions together in a new, radical way to build a sample city out of it, a city that runs on a sustainable system.


Share talent !

By Ingrid Larik

Samenwerken3.0. wordt vaak getriggerd door economische omstandigheden. Omdat je talent te weinig of te veel hebt op bepaalde momenten.

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